What We Do

We build community at our workplaces, look out for each other and collectively fight for things like higher pay, safety, fairness and respect. We’re stronger together, so we create worker organization at our sites with coworkers who are fed up with the bullshit and want to do something about it. 

It’s not only important to be connected in our workplaces, but also to link up regionally, nationally and internationally—Amazon is a multinational corporation owned by the richest man in the world, we need an international worker movement to win!

Chicago Amazon workers speak about the first issues they did something about at DCH1, what they did and how it went.

Vanessa, a member of DCH1 Amazonians United, goes over how they've been organizing and winning.

Amazonians United Sacramento member goes over how they got a coworker unfired, started the national fight for PTO, and used buttons in their campaign.
